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‘The Coma’ Brings Survival Horror To A Korean High School | MOUSE n JOYPAD

‘The Coma’ Brings Survival Horror To A Korean High School   Korean Horror is similar to Japanese Horror films, but with a few major differences. One, they like female ghosts in their films. The other more noticeable difference is they pull back on blood and gore and focus more on inner pain and torment. The rage is usually provided by the aforementioned female ghouls, following the expressio...[Read More]

Bedlam Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Bedlam Review    Do you remember how bad 90’s first-person shooters were? Of course you do; with their horrible narratives and blocky environments. It’s all terribly embarrassing. We all played games like Quake, Wolfenstein and the like- but going back to these experiences can be cringe-inducing. What if I told you though, that there’s a new game that parodied these early FPSs, complete w...[Read More]

A Fistful of Gun Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

A Fistful of Gun – Review  I never really got into spaghetti westerns when I was a kid. For whatever reasons, John Wayne and Clint Eastwood never held as much sway in my tastes as say, Mark Hamill did. So, when I was assigned A Fistful of Gun for review, I was a bit apprehensive about whether my enjoyment of the game would be tied to my knowledge of the old west. Fortunately, I couldn’t have...[Read More]

Super Dungeon Bros. Interview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Super Dungeon Bros. Interview   We have been following the development of Wired Productions dungeon brawler Super Dungeon Bros for a while now and I got the chance to get my hands on the title at EGX this year. I also got the chance to speak with Kevin Leathers, Senior Producer for Super Dungeon Bros, and this is what he had to say. Scott    Tell us a little bit about the game?  Kevin &nb...[Read More]

OnePlay Promise Gaming Netflix At Home And Libraries | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Who doesn’t like Netflix? After a long day, it’s nice to come home and get your streaming on as you cuddle with a loved one. And whether that’s a person or a bottle of booze, having an endless list of movies you intend to watch is a great thing. I know, you’ve meant to watch ‘Metropolis’- any day now, I’m sure. Thankfully, several companies h...[Read More]