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All New Descent Funding Through Kickstarter | MOUSE n JOYPAD

All New Descent Funding Through Kickstarter   Â 20 years after the original release of Descent on on the Windows 95, Descendant Studios brings back the same classic FPS flight simulator in an all new game. Descent: Underground gives gamers a chance to experience anew or re-live a true space fighter classic. Descent: Underground will be bringing back six-degree-of-freedom along with a brand ne...[Read More]

Upsilon Circuit Interview With Robot Loves Kitty | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Upsilon Circuit Interview With Robot Loves Kitty This article and interview was conducted and written by Trevor Anderson and George Cavalaris.   Eight contestants battle for their lives, as the crowd roars. The spectators could throw supporting items, but some will spawn more enemies into the arena. The announcer joyfully yells out that it doesn’t look good for the fighters, as...[Read More]


How many games do you know of that allow you to play as a dungeon master? Controlling your horde of minions, fending off heroes, building and improving your dungeon and overall just being a big badass baddie – a Sauron in the making, if you will? I don’t remember any such game other than the legendary Dungeon Keeper. Instead of being in the shoes of one of those no-good pilfering “heroes”, we were...[Read More]

The Weaponographist Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

The Weaponographist Preview   It just doesn’t pay to be a selfish creep. Sure, you may amass all the wealth you’ve ever wanted, but what happens when a witch who sees through your megalomania strips you of everything you hold dear? Well, that’s the premise behind Weaponographist, a new game developed by Puuba and published by Mastertronic. The game stars the cocksure and arrogant demon sla...[Read More]

Dirty Bomb Beta Impressions | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Dirty Bomb Beta Impressions     Take a glance at Dirty Bomb and I can guess what other game comes to mind without a second thought, Team Fortress 2. It’s got the same sort of cartoony art style, it doesn’t take itself all too seriously compared to the FPS genres most notable names. That’s not to say Dirty Bomb is the free game you and your friend cho...[Read More]