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We may be a little late to the party with this review of Watch Dogs, but when a game has so much to it, I always to take my time in order to be able to give a fair and honest opinion of it. Watch Dogs, released on the 27th of May, was developed by the guys at Ubisoft Montreal, and received high levels of hype across the gaming world since it’s announcement in 2012. When a game receives this much h...[Read More]


It’s that time of year again and E3 is just around the corner. There have been a lot of leaks over the last couple of weeks, as there always is, and unlike last year the focus for E3 seems to be firmly set on games. I have no insider knowledge as to exactly what the big companies are going to announce this year but it is time for the obligatory E3 Predictions. We don’t have long to wait to see if ...[Read More]

Among The Sleep Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Among The Sleep Review   For companies producing their first title, it can be an extremely nervous time. What with the huge competition and available resources available it can seem daunting, yet often indie development companies have the original ideas that influence current trends in the industry. They dare to differentiate themselves from the status quo and produce games that offer gamers a...[Read More]


As you might have concluded from the game’s title, Kill The Bad Guy is all about contemplating inconspicuous assassinations of criminals, mob bosses, murderers and such. These people are suspected of committing crimes that might cause a déjà vu when you read about them. See, this game isn’t too wise in the ways of being politically correct, and some of the facts *might* have been lifted from real-...[Read More]


Ask yourself one simple question. Why do you like gaming? At Mouse N Joypad we have asked the team what it is about gaming that got them hooked, what they love about games and why we play them. Forget reviews and which company is doing what, for now, let’s just talk about games. Why do I love gaming? There are so many great things about being a gamer. You can be an action hero, saving the world li...[Read More]